94.14% hours in 2023 cheaper than the cheapest fixed price in Luxembourg

364 days in 2023 with at least 6 hours of lower market prices than the cheapest fixed price

71% savings in a realistic use case: EUR 128 vs 435 as total cost of EV charging in 2023

AMP X VOLT offers automatic detection and charging in sync with the lowest market rates of the region for all use-cases: public, single- or multi-home residential and corporate fleet customers

AMP X VOLT follows the recommendation of the Luxembourg grid operator and always proposes to install a separate energy meter for the purposes of EV charging, enabling the option of market-based pricing and smart functions of AMP X VOLT systems to enhance the quality and security of EV charging sessions for both, at home and in the office

2023 EV Charging Cost comparison


  • Cheapest fixed rate offered in 2023 in Luxembourg: EUR 0.15817/kWh (night regime rate from Enovos)

  • Grid fee: 01/01/2023-31/08/2023 at EUR 0.0893/kWh; 01/09/2023-31/12/2023 at EUR 0.0741/kWh

  • * Compensation mechanism: 01/01/2023-31/08/2023 at EUR -0.1146/kWh; 01/09/2023-31/12/2023 at EUR -0.0932/kWh

  • Energy tax: EUR 0.001/kWh

  • Connection fee: 01/01/2023-31/08/2023 at EUR 16.78/month; 01/09/2023-31/12/2023 at

    EUR 14.70/month

  • Invoicing fee: EUR 1.50/month

  • VAT: 7%

  • 272 hours of charging at 11kW, market-price based charging during the 3 cheapest hours of every day

* Total negative amount for market-based pricing is possible thanks to the smart shifting of EV charging to the cheapest hours of the day and further boosted by the renewable energy compensation mechanism fee in Luxembourg, which has been set as a negative amount per kWh and is effectively constituting a government aid for reducing the electricity price.

Based on the following use-case: home charging at 11kW, separate meter, 20kWh/100km consumption, annual mileage 15,000km, 272 hours of charging, corresponds to a realistic ownersihp of VW ID4 or similar vehicle

2023 EV Total Charging Cost Comparison

Negative energy prices are possible thanks to the combination of shifting of EV charging to the cheapest hours of the day and significant government aid through the reversed compensation mechanism fee. Without compensation mechanism the total cost on electricity with market-based pricing option was EUR -25.00