best-in-class EV charging system for corporate and company fleet

AMP X VOLT brings the new quality to electric company car charging solutions - from the best hardware to simplify EV parking and charging planning to the best software to manage the chargers and EV fleet itself 

No more lunch-break Tetris in the office parking

There will literally be no more need to reshuffle the cars between the parking places - all EVs can remain plugged in and the drivers can enjoy their work or lunch knowing that their car will be charged by the time they leave. AMP X VOLT and VOOL Portal map all the charging infrastructure assets and provide the fleet operator with valuable information on the location, availability, maintenance status of the chargers, and structured details on charging sessions’ electricity costs and statistics. Any OCPP compatible charger can be connected into the system and Smart Load Management Controller ensures that all vehicles can be plugged in simultaneously and reach full-battery levels as and when expected.

Saving on EV fleet charging costs

Smart charging with automatic electricity market price tracking is available to all EV chargers connected to VOOL Portal. With smart charging the AMP X VOLT solutions can start saving charging costs from the very fist plugin. The user just needs to input the (i) acceptable price level and (ii) when the vehicle needs to drive again - the system works out the rest.

No-hassle charger management and reporting - even on home chargers

Corporate customers of AMP X VOLT can also integrate the AMP X VOLT chargers installed at homes on their platform to provide the staff the opportunity to charge their car at home and yet benefit from the best market price of the electricity when charging company cars at home. Thanks to the comprehensive user and vehicle authentication combined with excellent modular reporting capabilities of the VOOL Portal, the company can be certain on the costs borne on the company cars. The accountants and auditors can even be granted direct access  the appropriate level of information on VOOL Portal, so the effort on the manual reporting can be reduced to minimum.